Double square antenna for DVB-T2, 3G, Wi-Fi
This antenna represents 2 squares - the director and the driven element which is a folded dipole, which are located in one guide.
The power guide of the two-element loop antenna is 10-13 Db. Most likely, you will be able to recieve the signal of digital TV DVB-T2 at the distance of 8- 15 km from the TV center.
The active recieving parts of every loop are their up and bottom horisontal parts. So, the two-element loop antenna contains four elements and it is equivalent to a two-storied cophased antenna array, which is gathered from two-element Yagi antennas.
For making such an antenna copper wire or a tube with the diameter 2-5 mm are usually used. It is common to fasten the construction to the dielectric pole located close to the cable (look at the picture)
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